MAIA x Maslaha
Creative Gratitude Workshop with Joyce Treasure

Talks & Workshops > MAIA x Maslaha > Creative Gratitude Workshop with Joyce Treasure
For our second session in partnership with Maslaha, Joyce Treasure brought us a creative gratitude and meditation workshop.

Joyce Treasure invited us to a creative gratitude workshop and of sharing things and memories that bring us joy!
Each of us brought to the session an image, a song, a poem, a reading: something that captured the essence of a memory that brings joy and happiness.
Collective sharing gave us the opportunity to contemplate joyful times in our lives amid a time of uncertainty.

“I’m looking at the things in front of me these days.”
- Gabriel Akamo

Top Tip: Start a gratitude box!
According to research conducted by Rash, Matsuba, and Prkachin (2011), the people they worked with displayed higher levels of self-esteem and satisfaction with life when listing gratitudes and grateful contemplation.
Creative Documentation

“Top tip: start a gratitude box!”
- Joyce Treasure

@Twitter | joycetreasure.co.uk
About the Artist
Originally trained as a silversmith, Joyce Treasure has 32 years’ experience of working within the creative industry, which includes metals, fine art, props, photography.
From 2010, Joyce began to practice as a multidisciplinary artist working in layers and body forms to slice cultural and iconic imagery together using collage, print, acrylic and assemblage around the topic of black identity.