Work On
in Theatre with Daniel Bailey, Bush Theatre

Talks & Workshops > Work On > in Theatre with Daniel Bailey, Bush Theatre
For our third session in the Work On series, we heard from dramaturg and theatre director Daniel Bailey of Bush Theatre.

Daniel Bailey, Associate Director at Bush Theatre, gave us insider knowledge on how to go from ‘page to stage.’
Daniel helped us demystify getting into theatre with 5 practical strategies.

“It takes a bit of confidence to say: ‘Yo, I’m here with my hands up high, you can see me!’”
- Daniel Bailey

Strategy 1: Become an associate of the theatre. Join an artist development programme, an emerging writers group or something deeply embedded within the theatre.
Relationships formed this way often place your work in front of decision makers who otherwise wouldn't see it.
Strategy 2: Open submissions. Take note of windows. Some are attached to an outcome or prize. Sometimes theatres option work from this which leads to production.
Solicited scripts are welcomed by most theatres depending on relationships.
Strategy 3: Invite people to your work. A scratch night or work-in-progress. Digital sharing. Send invites as early as you know dates.
It's a theatre's duty to see work. Shoot your shot.
Strategy 4: Meetings. Get to know people over tea or coffee. Have questions prepared that can't be answered via a website.
Know the theatre and the kind of work they house. It's important to find a theatre that shares an identity with you or aligns with your values.
Strategy 5: Find a director or producer who can advocate for your work. This is usually hard to find but is of such value and can help to increase networks.
Creative Documentation

“It's important to find a theatre that shares an identity with you or aligns with your values.”
- Daniel Bailey

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About the Artist
Daniel Bailey is a dramaturg and theatre director, currently Associate Director at the Bush Theatre in London.