Work On
in Journalism with Jendella Benson, Black Ballad

Talks & Workshops > Work On > in Journalism with Jendella Benson, Black Ballad
Our fourth session in the Work On series saw Jendella Benson share insights from the world of journalism.

Jendella Benson, editor at award-winning digital platform Black Ballad, spoke to us about journalism & how to get your work commissioned.
Dropping some gems, Jendella shared insights and tips on everything from pitching to industry myths.

“It’s a strange alchemy with journalism to get commissioned, but, ultimately, persistence wins.’”
- Jendella Benson

How to Get Commissioned: Research the publication. What have they commissioned before?
Read their work! What angles do they go for? Look for niche publications that match your unique voice & specialism.
Pitching: Get straight to the point. “I’ve got this idea *Insert Title* - Here’s what the pitch is…”
Bullet point what it’s about. Outline the article. Mention if you are speaking to experts. Mention research (for opinion pieces too).
Include a mini bio & examples of your work. NEVER send a pre-written article: to protect you.
Waiting for replies is the hard part. Follow up after a week. Pitch elsewhere.
The reality: once you’ve been published, it’s easy to get published.
Don’t be precious with your ideas: be open to notes or edits.
A ‘no’ is not a reflection of you, it could be timing, budgets, or capacity.
Being a ‘Jack-of-all-Trades’ is not the best way now, What is your expertise? What is your Specialism?
At Black Ballad, we don’t care if it’s self-published, we just want to see writing.
Create your own lane - people will have to come to you eventually.
Creative Documentation

“Journalism is not just about writing. Think podcast and presenting. Your strength is your agility .”
- Jendella Benson

@Twitter | @Instagram | jendella.co.uk
About the Artist
Jendella is the Editor at Black Ballad, the award-winning digital platform for Black British women, and has previously been a columnist for Media Diversified, MTV UK, and Christian Today. She has written for Metro Online and Independent Voices, as well as had her visual work featured in The Guardian, The Metro, The Voice Newspaper, and on London Live.